Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The ideas are still forming-just more slowly

Using voice threads is intriguing. I can see group projects, small group discussion from around the room, differentiation, maybe even a sub plan sent to the kids....
My concern now is that the year has begun and all of a sudden the days seem shorter. I am going to use these new technologies, may only concentrate on two or three this year. Isn't it better to use less and know them well-or should I try to use more of them and be willing to flounder through?

Having time in class to work with different types of technology continues to be helpful. Thanks for letting us do that.


  1. I always say doing a few things well is better than doing a lot things half way! I bet you will come up with some great ideas for the new tools we are learning, Cristin.

  2. Glad you like the format of the class, Cristin. I think choosing one tool to focus on for a while is the best idea. Of course, there are still 4 more to look at...:)
